life is beautiful


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Higher Self
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Thursday, May 2, 2013

To choose or not to choose

“The end result of your life here on earth will always be the sum total of the choices you made while you were here.” said a wise soul driving home the importance of making the right choices in life.
Do we really give importance to the choices we make in our everyday lives or do we just function on automatic pilot? Aren’t most of our choices motivated by our conditioning, our belief systems and by what the people will think?
While times are changing now and we see youngsters making enlightened choices and ‘following their heart’ and while society is becoming more open and appreciative of it’s youth experimenting when it comes to career choices, the scene was quite different just a few years back. 26 year old Ratan who had a dream, bears testimony to this. His is a story that was oft repeated, (unfortunately  sometimes even today ) in many families. A child interested in music he had a dream of going to the Musicians Institute in USA to pursue his dream. His parents however gave him no choice .
“Snap out of it and get real!” was their dictum and they kindly added “We are doing it for your sake. You need to survive in the real world and earn your bread and butter, you know. Your father is a doctor and you need to take over and manage his clinic.”
The poor boy was talked into thinking he was selfish to pursue his dream. Recently I met his mother at a social gathering and she remarked. ‘How lucky it is that Rattan followed our advice . See how successful he is today.” Looking at the smart young man who seemed to have it all, I couldnot help feeling  that behind the successful exterior  something was missing.
Do you have the right to influence your child’s choice, using any means be it coercing or persuasion or manipulation or emotional blackmail? When God himself has given us freewill, who are we to tamper with other’s lives? Are we doing the right thing then by imposing our dreams and choices on our children and other loved ones  and snuffing out their right to exercise their own choices?
When your life is a tapestry made up of other people’s choices, two things happen. You end up feeling a victim. You blame fate and if things don’t work out you can happily  blame the people responsible for your choice. You naturally think that since they have messed up your life it is up to them to sort it out. Here the need to be responsible and accountable for one’s own life fades away and people tend to turn outward for solutions to your life situations.
I have always admired the way in which my friend Kavitha brought up her daughter Komal.  I was surprised to see that the child was taught to weigh the pros and cons of any decision she took very early in life. It could be a simple thing as how many chocolates she could eat.
“I told her that she could make her own decisions but I also pointed out that each decision came with a consequence. As early as seven she realized that she had the freewill to eat as many chocolates as she wanted but she also was told that the consequence of this could be a host of health problems. We would always advise her as to which was the wiser choice . But the final decision was hers. I remember the day she gorged on cake one Sunday in spite of repeated reminders of its consequence. The next day she was down with severe indigestion and had to miss her friend’s birthday party! That experience taught her a lesson no amount of nagging could have.
The real problem with choices however started when she became a teenager.
It was then that I realized that allowing one you loved dearly to experiment with her choices was a very tough thing to do. It needs us to have great faith in a higher power to take care of them.
The world today offers our children much more in every aspect of life than it used to do in our times. From the number of channels on the television to the number of career option to the number of things they are exposed through through media and the internet ,even the most level head ones do tend be confused as to how best to use their time and energy. Komal did bungle up once or twice as she refused to take our advice and made foolhardy choices especially in her choice of friends and how she spent her time. But every time she fell, we were there to help her get up and dust herself back on to the cycle of life .The result? By the time she was twenty she had a wise head on her shoulders. By the  trial and error method of  making her own  decisions  and being accountable for them ,she  bloomed into living life on her own terms and learnt the art of  making right decisions. Truly there is no greater teacher than experience in learning the art of making right decisions, in developing the ability to identify when to take a risk that will pay off and when to avoid foolhardy decisions.
Ironically Komal was there at the same social gathering I mentioned above and I could not help comparing the joy this young woman exuded .I realized suddenly that while both she and Ratan had made it big in their life the missing element in Ratan was that sparkle of life that was so obvious in Komal. That was because he was not living his own life. He was living a life someone else had designed. Komal had developed her will power and her planning abilities but Ratan who had buried his passion by allowing himself to be swayed and influenced by others,now needed to rely on others in making any momentous decision.
  But surely we owe it to our children to  show them the way.” I asked Komal’s mother  over dinner.
“There you have it” she replied. “That’s all you should confine yourself to doing-showing them the way. Remember Khalil Gibran’s famous lines ,
‘Your children are not your children. They are sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself. They come through you but not  from you…”
Our children are not our possessions to influence. We can advise them ,not live our  lives through them .They are individual souls and each comes with her own path chalked out .They come to earth wired to live out their  souls blueprint and when we impose our own egoistic man made ambitious plans on them we kill their spirit and their sparkle. A person who is wired to be an artist can never make a great engineer or a lawyer. Excellence can shine forth only when a person chooses to do what he loves.
In the Bhagvad gita, Krishna urges Arjuna very firmly to live an authentic life according to his Svadharma . He warns us that performing duties to please others (para dharma) will alter the course of our lives for the worse.
Even the great masters are careful not to interfere with the freewill of their disciples, it is thus that you will see that a true Master will just point the way. A Master will never compel anyone to make a choice ,for a Master knows that ultimately all choices have to be made by the individual. He is aware of the amount of karma he will incur by dictating and tampering with another’s freewill, even if the other is a close relative like a child or a spouse.
If the soul has a plan for us it stands to reason that the best choices we make will be those that are made in communion and alignment with our souls. That brings us back to the question of awareness. A person who is awake, alert and aware of what he is choosing therefore is one who chooses wisely. It is rather ironic that half of the time we are on automatic pilot and we choose unconsciously, even though many of our choices can be life altering. Any person who is following the beaten track and living out choices that are not his own is blocking the plan his soul has charted.
 “I took the road less travelled by
And that has made all the difference”
says poet Robert Frost in one of his best loved poems.These lines stress the importance of choices and reminds us  that regardless of the choice we make, our life will be enormously affected by it. Frost speaks about making a choice based on one’s interest and one’s passion. He symbolized this in his poem The Road not taken, by showing himself standing at a fork in the road. He knew he could walk down but one path and he knew the decision lay solely with him. The sad part of life is that most people do not even realize that the decision of how to carry their lives forward rests solely on them. They choose not to choose but even that is a choice, a weaker choice that will hamper their journey towards their pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
What helped Frost take the road less travelled and leave safe shores of America  for an unknown land (England)  where he tried his hand at poetry? (and succeeded!) Was it merely the abilty to take risks? Or was it that he was aware that he had been given freewill and had the freedom to make a choice?
In a period of time when people unconsciously followed the herd, choosing not to choose, Frost epitomizes the freedom of choice that is every human’s birthright.
Yes, the power of making a choice has been given only to the human. And the intellect is the instrument that he has been endowed with to aid him in exercising this mammoth responsibility.
Yet how many of us really sit and think out our choices? Aren’t we rather swayed by emotions while making a choice? The world is in this shape today because of decisions taken in haste.  “Decide in haste repent at leisure” our ancestors warn us stressing the need of taking time out and making responsible choices.
A calm and collected mind thus seems to be the ideal before making a crucial choice. Though one needs to at times consult near ones, and move from emotion to intellect while making a choice, the highest choices remain those that are motivated by the soul. Managing our self thus means making smart choices in tangent with the Higher self.. I say smart choices instead of right choices for what may be a right choice for one need not be the right choice for another. If Dad is a doctor and loves the profession, that is the right choice for him but Ratan is totally a different entity and the same choice may mean suicide for him, if   his cells are filled with the sound of music.
Finally the most important choice we can make is the way in which we choose to see life. If we choose to see ourselves as alien separate beings in a hostile world, that will be our destiny in this world of relativity.
If on the other hand we choose to see the world as One huge unit then naturally the actions that stem from such a choice will be of love and peace for how can you hurt others if all others are part of this ONE? And so our choices made out of oneness will chart out a beautiful destiny .
As one gets into the flow  of following the nudges of one’s Higher self ,one then slips into the enviable state of what J.krishnamurthy calls choice less awareness, where one just responds to the present moment spontaneously without any preconceived ideas. Where one’s actions are directed not even by choice but just awareness.
Till we reach this state where the chooser and the doer cease to exist and there is only the soul witnessing the experiences it has created with Life, we need to take small steps in being aware of even the littlest choices we make. Choosing to shut out external noise once in a while and connect to the stillness within and thus Choosing to connect to our Higher Self goes a long way in helping us make all other choices.
 When we choose to allow others to create their own painting on  the canvas of life using their own  colours of  choices, we truly choose to give the greatest gift to self and others-freedom-the birthright of every soul.