As I walked into my English class I
was pretty perturbed. There had been a theft
in our staffroom the previous
week and investigations were going on.
My senior had been quizzing all of us this past week. She had been asking us, if
we had seen something queer or if we had seen someone hanging around the
staffroom at the time of the theft.
This morning it had hit me suddenly.
After everyone had left the staffroom last week I had gone back to pick up a
book I had left behind and I had happened to see a colleague of mine there. Now
as I recollected the event I remembered being surprised to see the fear in her
face when she had seen me.
The rest of the morning I was in a
dilemma. Should I tell my senior about this incident?
“Surely I ought not to. Think of the trouble
it would bring my colleague! Think of all that she would have to go through! She
too must have come back like me to pick up something she had left behind. “What
if she is innocent and because of me she is branded a thief?” one part of my
mind told me while the other urged , “It is your duty to just say what you saw.
Don’t bring personal judgments into this.”
“ But I do not want to be the cause
of any harm to any one,” that part of me that prided herself on being ‘Miss Gentle and nice’ argued. A divided mind always creates hell
and finally I had to confide in a friend.
“That’s just your ego creating
divisions!” she pointed out with brutal frankness.”You have created an image of
yourself as Miss Gentle and Nice” and now you are scared to do the right thing,
which is throw light on the investigations, because you are scared of this image
being shattered.
I was shocked. I had always struggled
and gone out of my way to be nice .I always acted with great care that whatever
I said or did never hurt anyone. How
could that be ego? Was non violence of the ego?
“Ego is trying to be always right and
good! It wants to create this image of being perfectly sweet! Your fear of
harming others stems not from your concern for the other. Remember, any fear is
of the ego. If you go deep down, you will trace it to an image you want to
create. The ego just follows a code of right doing, every moment uniformly.
The soul is always spontaneous. The
soul just does things that need to be done without any second guessing. The
question of doing what is right or
wrong doesn’t come into it. It just does what feels right each moment. What feels right now may not be what feels right the next moment. It doesn’t
fear or care about what others think.
All it is about ,is being the best It can be at any given moment.
“I hate being sneaky and telling tales and causing
harm to people” I said defensively.
“Telling tales for the sheer joy of
getting others into trouble is different from telling the truth so that justice
can be done. ’
But you know if I do say what I saw, you know who will be in deep trouble.
Why do I have to put her in such trouble when I’m sure that she couldn’t have
anything to do with the theft? “
“How can you be so sure?” my friend
asked me “…and by the way, the reason why I said you have a big ego is that you
think you are powerful enough to change the course of her life. You said “why do I have to put her into trouble? You
keep saying you will be causing harm.
The primary factor in all of this is I do
, I do ,I do. Every word shows fear and insecurity.
If you were not egoistic you would spontaneously
do the right thing knowing you are just an instrument of God. You would know
that it is God who runs the show.
So that morning as I walked into
English class after this talk with my friend, I was not at all happy to see
that I had to teach grammar- especially the Active and Passive Voice.
“How do you know that a sentence is
in the active voice?” I asked mechanically.
Pat came the answer from one of my
bright students. “The subject is the doer of the action. Example “ Raju is
hitting the ball. Here the stress is on the subject doing the action.”
“And the passive?”
“The subject receives the action”
another one quipped in. “ The ball is being hit (by Raju). Here it is the
action itself that is important , not the subject who is doing the action.”
I felt that I had been dealt a blow
in the solar plexus. What my friend said was true. Instead of being a detached
passive observer watching the universe happen and unfold and playing my bit with
involvement knowing it was all a play of consciousness, my ego had been unduly active
and entangled in the whole episode. I had not realized that there was a higher
power running the universe and perhaps the reason why that power had made me go
back to the staffroom at that particular moment was because it wanted me to be
an instrument through which justice could be ensured.
Conditioning can be quite strong and
though I had been given a message by the universe, I was still hesitant but the
universe has a way of reinforcing its messages. That evening I went home to
open a book of Osho’s.
“The illusion that we are the doers make us miserable” Osho had written years back but the
words seemed alive now as they leapt out at me. ‘God alone does. If you ask the waves if they are rushing towards the
shore they will answer ‘No. We are being
rushed towards the shore.’ God takes over the very day man comes to know that
just the way the wind blows and, trees grow and flowers bloom he too is being
moved. There is someone within him who moves and speaks.”
I realized in a flash that the
someone within me who moves me is my Self- my highest self! As long as we think
we are ‘doing ‘things we will not only
create a separate self but also sign ourselves up for misery as we block the universe’s flow within us and end up
really doing things which are not of the truth.
I tried replacing the active- “I am reporting
her presence at the scene of the theft to the authorities,” to the passive “Her presence is being reported to the
authorities (by me).I realized that the
agent by me is just that -an
agent through which the universe
acts. What was important in this drama was not the I was doing the reporting (the body doing the action ) but the act
of reporting itself orchestrated by the soul.
That is true in every case. It is not
the doer that is important, for in
each case it is the universe doing through various agents. It is act that is
happening that is important as the very fact that it is happening means that it
needed to happen.
The next day I went forward as a
chief witness to the case and as it so happened, my colleague was found guilty
of theft. She was treated kindly and sent for counseling- the universe is kind
and steered the course of her life in the right direction.
Perhaps ego had motivated my
colleague to commit a mistake and as I
allowed the universe to function through me it could be set right without
further ado. If as an ego who wanted to be ‘nice’, I had kept mum, she would
have gone her merry way, committing more such mistakes and harming others and
ultimately herself.
am not the doer, The universe moves me,” is my new mantra and I find that
it has really reduced a lot of stress.
What a relief to let go of a petty little self who rushes around
‘doing ‘and let yourself be moved by the
What a relief when you are confronted
with some daunting task, to surrender to the universe knowing it will move you
to take right action, instead of worrying about how the little I will get things done. When I teach I am not teaching, the
teaching is happening through me. The One is cooking, The One is eating ,The One
moves and enjoys through this agent of the body. The result, a deep peace which passeth understanding ,which is totally
different from the emotional highs and lows that accompany the feeling that I do. I give my best to a job and then
let go and let God.
Maybe that is what Krishna really
meant when he told Arjuna to give up his confusion ,to take up his arms and
fight- fight to uphold dharma, knowing that he of himself could never do
anything .Krishna was telling him to let go and let GOD-that he was just being
used as an instrument for the Divine play to unfold itself and establish
I am changing my role from the active
to the passive . By passive I don’t
mean that I am a pawn in the hands of a so called fate. No, I am just shifting
my Awareness from the ego to my soul.The only difference is that there is no
illusion of a separate self doing. And as my soul is part of the One Source
that runs the universe, when I surrender to this higher power, things just
happen as they ought to. It is all the One doing, the One enjoying.
By being a passive observing
Awareness thus I become passively active in my life. That’s when the fun and
joy of life really begins. That’s a double whammy! I get to have my cake and
eat it too! I am simultaneously the wave and the ocean .They are one and the
same .