life is beautiful


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I Am

Higher Self

Higher Self
The Universe

Monday, April 26, 2010

Letters from one soul to another.

This is the first of a series of letters written by one seeking soul to another.First published in Life positive July 2009 issue

Dear Soul

Dated: In the Now
Why Creation?
“What is creation? Why did God create the world?” These are questions any thinking person asks. This question has been haunting me too and it made me embark on a journey that still continues-a journey into timelessness, a great adventure into lands hitherto unexplored by my mind.
Another question we often ask ourselves in despair is, “If God is a loving God why did He create such a mess? Why doesn’t He do something about the world?”
The answer to the first part of the question is simply that creation is just a projection of Pure Being’s desire to experience Itself as the magnificent being it is.
The answer to the second part of the question is that God did not make the world as it is today. He created us and out of His love He gave us free will. We did the rest- created our own monstrous version of the world. Still He continues to send us messengers to show us the way back.
To understand this let’s begin at the very beginning.
Before creation there was only All That Is-ParaBrahman.This unmanifest aspect of God was Pure Being. This great Being knew It was magnificent. It had a desire to experience Its magnificence. (To understand the difference between knowing and experiencing consider the example of honey. Now to know what honey is and to experience it are two different things altogether, aren’t they?) Then this Being hit upon a breathtaking idea as to how to experience Its own glory. The idea of creating was so great that It just exploded with joy-our Big bang, if you please. It split into pieces and thus out of the pieces began creation as Brahman’s Being welled up with love for parts of Itself it could see apart from Itself .From Being It had started becoming and experiencing .
The Rig Veda puts it like this.
“In the beginning
There was neither existence nor non existence
All this world was unmanifest energy…
The one breathed, without breath, by Its own power
Nothing else was there…”
To create, Parabrahm withdrew a part of Itself and created a void. Now one of the parts of Parabrahm that had split became a Creator. It or rather He moved into the void and began creating outwards from Himself. Like a spider that spins a web from its own body the Creator sent out or projected parts of Himself, call it spirit children, souls or just all of us. You may be wondering why I changed the pronoun referring to the divine from It to He. The reason is that Nirguna Parabrahm is genderless. Gender comes into the picture when It projects two polarities of Itself-the Creator which is the masculine acting force we all refer to as God the Father and the Nurturer, the feminine receiving principle called the Divine Mother. The Goddess was infact the divine presence of the Creator or the light the Creator called upon, (the Biblical “let there be light”) when he started creating in the darkness of the void. This feminine principle of creation is known as Shekinah in Kabbalist traditions,Devi in Hinduism or just the Jaganmatha of creation .
The rest of creation came about due to the interaction of these two polarities. This is depicted by the Tai chi symbol of yin and yang which shows that the
Feminine and masculine need to complement each other perfectly for creation to be balanced and harmonious.
Creation thus began with a thought in the mind of the Creator. The feminine principle lay dormant until the idea of the Creator acted on her. Creation is the result of the interaction of these two polarities. The Shivling is but another symbol of this.
Everything else in creation came about when the Mother acted out the idea of the Father. So everything in this world is the Mother in action. She is the intelligence behind the matrix of our world. We as androgynous souls are but extensions of the mother and father.
To understand why the world is in this condition we must realize that everything in creation is energy vibrating at different speeds and frequencies. When the Creator created the physical world at a lower frequency than what He was, He also created the opposite of Himself. He extended Himself to the farthest extent that He could go till He could experience all that was the opposite of Him. So we now have a spectrum with two polarities. Love is closest to Creator. It is the energy He is made up of and fear is at the farthest end -the energy got from lowering His vibrations to the level totally opposite to and farthest from His Being that he could conceive of. In between lay scope for various experiences, various adventures.
Well, the Fall happened when God’s extensions began experimenting with the polarity of fear. Souls began to experiment too much with the physical environment, our earth, which was at a lower vibration. They also operated from fear and as they got caught in physical pleasures they left their right brains behind. They soon forgot their oneness with Source. Thus as separation and fear took over, the egoist thought form was born.
The rest is history. We souls who are all in this great adventure together have traveled down the spectrum quite a bit and have misused our divine powers of creation to create the world that we see today. Some souls who really went the whole way to the end of the spectrum are so lost that they engage themselves in dark activities which are self destructive. They too are parts of God who have forgotten They are That

Some of us are making the way home. Ascension is the soul’s journey back home to oneness. Though it may take time to wind up the ball we unraveled as we made use of our free will to experiment along the spectrum, the journey back begins with one thought “I am God”
I hope this month you will work on removing thoughts of separation and replacing them with thoughts of oneness.
At all times in all situations just tell yourself what our sages told us ages ago, Aham Brahmasmi , I AM THAT and then act as though you are that-and see your world change.
With love and light
I Am that I am.

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