life is beautiful


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I Am

Higher Self

Higher Self
The Universe

Friday, July 27, 2012

Being just me

've been running around for quite some time trying to get it right. Reading , attending workshops, taking darshans of great masters.Now I realize that as long as there is a seeker trying to find something, I am only getting caught in the mind and intellect. As the great Master Echart  Tolle says, there is only way to get out of the egoic mind and that is just being yourself. Not trying to do something to get recognised.
That is all we need to be- our authentic selves.All doing is secondary and should  spring from my state of being.How freeing it is not having to put on a mask, not bothering about other's approval.
Yet the old conditioning kicks in and I get caught in the same patterns . "What should I be doing now?" my mind nags. 'What will that person think of me?"
Each time however my awareness grows a teeny weeny bit and I catch myself  judging and complaining.each time I become aware ,the log in my eye becomes less painful.I know now that I AM THAT . One holy moment I will experience it !
Till that holy moment comes I will continue to know  and remember that I am whole and I'm sure that knowing will take me to the experience we all long for-The experience of our own DIVINITY.