life is beautiful


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I Am

Higher Self

Higher Self
The Universe

Friday, July 27, 2012

Krsna and Chist

I  love the Christmas season.Being born a Hindu we never celebrated Christmas as such at home but somehow, the xmas celebrations in the convent in which I studied, awakened in me a love for the popular x'mas songs.The bells, sleighs, Santa claus, the reindeer all represent various gifts of the universe, like joy ,love, beauty sharing.Ihave never seen snow but a white Christmas for me is all about filling my aura with white light. The whole of the Christmas season for me is about sharing, loving and giving.This is what the great masters Christ and Krsna came on earth to teach us.
I heard Yogiraj explain the stages of creation.At the lower chakra, when you are experiencing the material world, you are experiencing God as Brahma.Then your light expands and this is where Christ consciousness comes in.Christ and Krsna belong to the heart.If you see their lives, they spoke about  and lived the qualities of the heart.-peace, love, stillness. Krsna spoke about being a stitha pragnya. He exhorted us to remain still and stable in the face of all experiences-good or bad. When Christ said "You can't go to the Father except through me" he did not mean that you have to be baptized and accept the personality of Jesus as your saviour. He meant that your kundalini, once awake has to pass through the heart where the Christ or Krsna dwells and then move on to the great Destroyer of illusions Shiva in the crown. Once we live through our hearts and its qualities we are living in the stillness and silence of Vishnu. We express the qualities of Christ or krsna-avatars of Vishnu. This further draws us like a magnet upto Shiva in the crown to a state where we go beyond the world-even beyond ideas of good and bad. We just are. life just is.We go beyond ideas and enjoy the moment as it appears to us.Shiva bestows enlightenment.He destroys the material attachments and adds the needed spiritual dimension to our life in this world.
Christ consciousness is all about living and moving in Vishnu,expressing our heart qualities.We move towards  our Father or Godhead,which encompasses all aspects of the Trinity only when we rest in the heart.Enjoy the Brahma consciousness in you and live fully in the world, enjoying each experience.Live through the heart as the Christ did, love life as Krshna did.Then you will automatically be drawn into Shiva.You will go beyond maya and meet the Divine Cosmic Mother.That's when you will live in the world but will not be of it. You will live as a soul plaiyng the role of  a human.As Shakespeare put it,"All the worlds a stage and all men and women merely players "
Your life will change. Suffering ends when you know Shiva.
Till then live as Krsna did and Christ did.Happy Christmas!

Being just me

've been running around for quite some time trying to get it right. Reading , attending workshops, taking darshans of great masters.Now I realize that as long as there is a seeker trying to find something, I am only getting caught in the mind and intellect. As the great Master Echart  Tolle says, there is only way to get out of the egoic mind and that is just being yourself. Not trying to do something to get recognised.
That is all we need to be- our authentic selves.All doing is secondary and should  spring from my state of being.How freeing it is not having to put on a mask, not bothering about other's approval.
Yet the old conditioning kicks in and I get caught in the same patterns . "What should I be doing now?" my mind nags. 'What will that person think of me?"
Each time however my awareness grows a teeny weeny bit and I catch myself  judging and complaining.each time I become aware ,the log in my eye becomes less painful.I know now that I AM THAT . One holy moment I will experience it !
Till that holy moment comes I will continue to know  and remember that I am whole and I'm sure that knowing will take me to the experience we all long for-The experience of our own DIVINITY.

A Quiet Mind

                         This article of mine was published in life positive in May 2012                                              
                                                                        A quiet Mind
                                                                      K. Geethanjali
When I realized that I had lost my voice, the first reaction that kicked in was despair. I am a teacher and like a singer a teacher’s main tool is her voice. No I had not got teachers nodes or anything of that sort. A throat infection ignored was screaming to be heard and had translated itself to a complete silencing of the vocal cords.
I trudged to school like an unwilling schoolgirl wondering how I was going to get through the day.
“It’s okay,” I tried to comfort myself. It’s a Saturday and as the children won’t be coming in there will not be much talking to do.”
But there were teachers all over the place when I reached school. As question papers were being readied, tempers were frayed .It was a busy day at school and I had no voice.
I settled down before the computer to type my paper and once my colleagues found that I could not speak, they left me alone. As I found that I just could not communicate the compulsion to have my say to, give my opinion, to offer some help died down. My mind sort of understood that there was nothing I could do and began to focus on the task at hand- setting a question paper. Once the work was done ,I settled down into the position of an observor.
The drama became more interesting when the bell rang for recess. Over cups of tea , I found human nature unfold itself. Gossips circulating, jokes were cracked ,opinions exchanged. All I could do was to just observe it all. When a colleague took the opportunity of me being ‘tongue tied’, to make a snide remark she had being dying to make all these months, something in me rose to retaliate but the words didn’t-could not come out. I became aware that the energy that had risen, died down. Maybe because I observed this energy too, I realized that it meant nothing, the snide hurtful remarks went through me and I knew even if I had a voice I just had no need to retaliate. The remarks weren’t about me though they were directed at me.. It was just about someone else having a bad day.
I also realized that I was very well able to take part in all the other positive vibrations circulating around the coffee room. I could smile at the friends trooping in , touch my friends hands in gratitude when she placed a comforting hand on my shoulder and giggle at jokes .I didn’t need a voice to enjoy the good vibes and It was good that I didn’t have a voice to retaliate to the nasty ones.
Once everyone was back at her desk, a kind of calmness settled down in me. It was as if my mind understood that it wasn’t of any use churning up thoughts as my vocal chords were paralyzed for the day. Perhaps if I had watched television or a movie I would have missed this quiet mind as the mind would have reacted to what I had seen on screen. Now with the practical mind zeroing in on the task at hand, the rest of the mind settled down and the task at the physical level being accomplished in a short span of time,I was free to  touch the deep layers of mind.
Here it was, in the middle of a busy school day! The stillness I had attempted to get in meditations.
I went home to spend the rest of the day in silence. No need to shout when my dog barked, no need to answer any phone calls or answer any questions there too.
By the time it was evening the stillness had grown deeper and when I sat in meditation the silence deepened into a blissfulness that coursed through every cell.
Two mornings later (after a round of antibiotics,) when I woke up I tested my voice feeling rather like a bird does when she is getting ready to sing.
Yes, it was in full form, rested and raring to go. I could speak. Yippee! I paused .There was a hint of sadness in me. It was almost as if I was good bye to silence.
Hey stop it,” my inner voice I had befriended during the two days of silence spoke up.”Now you know mauna means not merely physical silence .It means silencing the mind. That’s all you need to do. The rest falls into place. When you speak it will be only because there is really some thing coming from a deeper level of you that will make a difference in the world.”
I scrambled out of bed thankful for my voice knowing it was a valuable tool that I was in control of and that I could use to my advantage and relegate it to the backseat when it was not needed.  I had had a glimpse of the deeper silent mind and I knew the joy tucked away in its fold. I also knew that the way to reach that deep stillness was to give up effort- effort to create an impression, to create a relationship, to defend a point of view, to analyze, to justify, to label ,both at the mental and the physical level.
I had been practising Mauna these past few years but it had only been at the physical level .I decided that I would observe silence as part of my weekly routine-a day when I would drop into the silent mind sans TV, sans phone calls, sans mind chatter. I would have a rendezvous with myself.
Truly some of life’s greatest lessons come in the disguise of problems!