life is beautiful


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I Am

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Higher Self
The Universe

Friday, September 30, 2011

Unconditional love

My Father taught me how to love God.He never preached, he never spoke of God.Whatever rituals he followed or temples he visited, he never forced me to go along. Of course as a child i remember tagging along with him as he worshipped the Devi temple in our area in Chennai but I went with him for the sheer joy of skipping beside him rather than because he asked me to go. I remember walking along with him , me holding one hand and my sister the other as he walked down our verandah chanting the names of the lord.Grandmother would call my brothers and sisters for our evening prayers just when we were in the middle of an outdoor game but Dad never called us in to follow rituals. Yet I learned to love God as a Father because I had a human model who loved me unconditionally.
My father passed away just after I got married but by the time he left he had introduced me to the Heavenly Father, The human father had widened into a Heavenly Father. I began to relate to God as Father, a benevolent Being of unconditional love only beause I had a human model for a Dad who showered me with such unconditional love I have never before or since the 25 years i had the good fortune to live as his daughter I experienced only the love, security and pride that he had in me. Not because of what I did but just because I was his beloved daughter.
Dad was not an epitome of perfection. Many other people see him in different ways but I know now that he came to play the role of my father to mirror the love and care of God on earth. Small wonder that even now I feel myself to be a loved and secure and cherished child of God. small wonder that i know now that I need not do anything to be loved. I am loved by God as I am His creation, His beloved child .Though I have incorporated the Divine feminine in my experience, if I still like to think of God as my heavenly father, it is only because i was blessed with HIs great reflection of a dad in the human plane.
Love you Dad, wherever you are in the universe.God bless you.

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