life is beautiful


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I Am

Higher Self

Higher Self
The Universe

Friday, September 30, 2011

The Sabbatical-3

Well, keeping in mind my last blog post, I have reached another understanding of why it is necessary to have a sabbatical- a day off to rest and refresh ourselves.I was reading a message given by St. Germaine and it made me realize that the sabbatical was suggested so that we take a day off completely from doing. This is a day when you are to put aside all worries and activities. This is a day when you are meant to just be with yourself. A day when you peep within and try to acess you inner self.
When doing stops, the mind automatically gets the message. Once it realizes that you are not going to run around, it too will stop it's wild running.Then as the mind waves become calmer, the zero point becomes more accessible.Once you find your centre ,it becomes more real for you and you find the path towards it clearer.
However to take the path towards your centre you need to gift your self a sabbatical- a day when there is no television, no computers,no radios or books ,a day when you do not go out to churches or temples . A day when you sit with only yourself and visit the temple , the sanctuary within-far from the madding crowd. A day when you can fall in love with yourself and the God within.
If a day off is too much to contemplate , make it an hour or two hours but keep this sabbatical a time when you give up all doing , all things of the world. This time you spend with yourself will rejuvenate you and when you are ready to take on the world after your sabbatical, you will find that everything you now do will become infused with light.
Happy Sabbatical!!!

A matter of perspective

I love my great big Doberman Quincey.But there is one thing about her that irritates me a lot.That is her loud ferocious bark that makes even the windowsills of my house reverberate.
Quincey has an annoying habit of starting up a volley of barks just when i decide to lay my head down on my pillow. She would have by then wrapped up her own beauty sleep and would be fesh and vibrant.the result -louder barks and no sleep for poor ol me.Quincey has decided hat she is the lady of the house and if anyone dares to so much as touch the front gate she is on guard barring her teeth and sharpening her claws.
"The next time we have a dog, i shall make sure that it is a quiet , sweeet one like our previous Pomeranean." I vowed oone day. Scamper had come to us only after she already had one paw in the grave and in the two years she was with us would have barked only once or twice.
Then one night I was all alone at home . The house seemed darker than usual and very very lonely. My eyes fell on Quncey's big ears as they fell on the floor where she lay. The loneliness vanished and I got ready for a good nights sleep.
A distant thud, thud also made my heart go thud, thud. I remembered that thieves had been breaking into homes in our neighbourhood recently.My mind began to churn up various blood curling tales.
Then Qunicey began a volley of barking.My heart beat quietened as I saw her reassuring form near my bed.Never had her bark sounded so welcome! They chased away all the shadows in my mind.
I breathed a sigh of relief and praised the lord for giving me a dog like Quincey with such an awfully loud and ferocious bark.

The human experience -2

Part of being human is going through your fair share of what the human experience entails.The Human experience is being played out in a matrix of polarity. This means if laughter comes ,you an be sure it brings in its wake its polarity of tears.Thats just how this 3 dimensional earth is designed. That's what makes the human experience so challenging.One often hears people saying.'I cannot control my anger. Of course I get angry. I am a human not a saint!!"
From where did we get the idea that being angry is the natural way for a human to behave? it may be a natural way for a limited three dimensional human to react but as the earth herself is moving into the 5th dimension we humans too have an opportunity to grow and evolve with her.Thats what 2012 is all about.Its not about earthquakes and catacylsms.That may be a part of the earth's shift as she slides into the Golden age or the Satya Yuga.2012 is all about welcoming the Golden age. We won't be doing that if we are stuck into 3 dimensional ways of being- reacting with fear, worry, anger, jealousy.That all belongs to the lower matrix.
The New Earth is all about realising that though you are a human, tucked away in your DNA are memories of your true self.Its all about BEING that pure Essence.Pure Essence or soul or Spirit or Shiva never worries or reacts or gets depressed.
How do you connect to the Pure essence in you so that this energy wells up in you and directs your life? First , let go of the belief system that the lower ways of being like anger, jealousy, hatred , worry frustration are natural. That was fine when we were experiencing a 3D wold. If you want to go ahead in the adventure of life, in "higher " dimensions the way to begin is to consciously connect to the Presence within and slowly let go of all limiting belief systems.Anger then gets replaced by compassion when you know that the peson pushing your buttons is another aspect of Shiva having a different experience.What is there to be jealous of when you know that your soul can choose any experience it wants and the fact you are having the current experience you are having ,is what you soul chose as the most important? Who is there to forgive when all are one aspects of the ONE having a different experience?
What sister Shivani of the Brahma Kumaris said in one of her talks makes it easier to understand.
"Don't see the other person as wrong.There is no wrong or right. Just see him/her as different and you will be able to accept them more easily."
As these word flow from my Essence to those who are meant to read it, let me tell you that I donot embody all the qualities of Pure Essence yet. It is a journey and a process, where you need to keep working on releasing all that you are not.
The journey however starts with a single step. The understanding that we are not limited to this 3D limited world. We are not the body. We are much much more. How much more?thats what you will discover when you take the first step and continue on your journey. 

Wow ! I am a human

I have always been interested in the concept of the void- the place where it all started. Creation I mean.This field of infinite possibilty thrilled me and everyday when I sat for my meditation I longed to have an experience of the Void.
But then something happened that made me realize that just focusing on the Void was only one part of my divine expereince. I read somewhere that in a movie called City of angels, all the angels vie for a chance to be born as a human so that they can have this unique experience.They are even willing to enjoy all the suffering the human experience is capable of!.
The perfect foil to the experience of the Void was - creation.And the most challenging of all Gods creation is of course the human!
That got me into enjoying each moment of my human life- the tears and joys, the ups and downs.That's why we are all here. To experience all the possibilities the Void offers in the manifest form. What use is the void or how can we be aware of this great emptiness unless we exprience its opposite?
Shiva needs Shakthi or His ego to know Himself.The Void needs creation to be complete.
The recipie for bliss ? celebrate your human existence as if there were no tomorrow,while all the while being aware that you are actually Shiva enjoying all these experiences.
Love only like a human can love, cry, laugh ,walk on the beach, play with your children.Stop to smell the roses.
The next time you curse your life, just remember many other beings out there are looking at you with envy, just because you have the great good fortune to be born as a human! Enjoy your divinity but in the midst of that don't forget to enjoy your humanness.
Happy living!

Unconditional love

My Father taught me how to love God.He never preached, he never spoke of God.Whatever rituals he followed or temples he visited, he never forced me to go along. Of course as a child i remember tagging along with him as he worshipped the Devi temple in our area in Chennai but I went with him for the sheer joy of skipping beside him rather than because he asked me to go. I remember walking along with him , me holding one hand and my sister the other as he walked down our verandah chanting the names of the lord.Grandmother would call my brothers and sisters for our evening prayers just when we were in the middle of an outdoor game but Dad never called us in to follow rituals. Yet I learned to love God as a Father because I had a human model who loved me unconditionally.
My father passed away just after I got married but by the time he left he had introduced me to the Heavenly Father, The human father had widened into a Heavenly Father. I began to relate to God as Father, a benevolent Being of unconditional love only beause I had a human model for a Dad who showered me with such unconditional love I have never before or since the 25 years i had the good fortune to live as his daughter I experienced only the love, security and pride that he had in me. Not because of what I did but just because I was his beloved daughter.
Dad was not an epitome of perfection. Many other people see him in different ways but I know now that he came to play the role of my father to mirror the love and care of God on earth. Small wonder that even now I feel myself to be a loved and secure and cherished child of God. small wonder that i know now that I need not do anything to be loved. I am loved by God as I am His creation, His beloved child .Though I have incorporated the Divine feminine in my experience, if I still like to think of God as my heavenly father, it is only because i was blessed with HIs great reflection of a dad in the human plane.
Love you Dad, wherever you are in the universe.God bless you.