life is beautiful


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I Am

Higher Self

Higher Self
The Universe

Sunday, July 17, 2011

The laughing Buddha

Talking about shadows, sometimes the shadows can overpower us to the point when we feel we need to explode.
I went through just such a situation recently at the work place.
With reports to get ready and papers to correct and so many loose ends to tie up before the summer break starts, tempers were frayed and one Thursday morning I found myself at the receiving end of many a colleague’s stretched temper. People seemed to be venting their anger and upset on anyone who came into their way. Some of what I received I deserved while other reactions from colleagues took me totally aback.
I came back home quite shaken and wondering why I had attracted such energy to me all at once. I spent some time analyzing the situation, separating what I deserved to get and what was totally unfair. This analyzing brought me no relief. In fact it made the situation worse as now I was caught up in my mind and was reliving the situation and the injustice of it all. I felt small and weak and like a victim. I had reached bursting point.
Then something happened. The whole thing seemed so incredible- that I who usually had a normal working day should encounter about four to five unpleasant situations on a given day from people who were actually my friends and meant me no harm. Maybe karma was catching up. I was not ready to analyze it again. I suddenly went over the whole day but this time I automatically fell into the role of a witness. I saw everyone running around trying to do what they felt was right at that moment. I saw myself too as part of the play, the drama we had all created and the utter ludicrousness of it all struck me and I burst out laughing.
Suddenly I felt light and clear and all the stress I had been carrying around since morning cleared up. There is nothing like a good laugh for releasing endorphins to counter stress hormones.
As I went to the kitchen to rustle up some dinner, my eyes fell on the statue of the Laughing Buddha I had placed on top of my fridge. His face laughed into mine.
“See, that has been my message all along. Don’t take life too seriously, Just have a good belly laugh at it all like I do.”
How did I fall into the sakshi bhav that evening? My guess is that the stress became too much for me and my soul designed this as a safety valve.
Once I observed myself playing a part in the drama created by the ego I became objective and the humor of it all struck me. Once I could laugh at it, I actually found I felt compassion for all the actors in that days drama, including myself. That helped me let go of the anger and hurt I had been carrying in me all day.
I carried on with life but after that day I placed my Laughing Buddha in a place of prominence where I could see him. I knew that the next time I got caught in an unpleasant situation , onething that would help me heal my emotions was to follow his message and have a good loud laugh-The Laughing Buddha reminds me not to be overwhelmed by what life brings, not to take things too personally but just view it as a drama where people are spinning their own stories given their ideas of what is right.
The Laughing Buddha also reminds me that taking laughter breaks in between serious work will go a long way in keeping me calm and stable and centred.

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